Other publications
"Blowing Early Bubbles – Incentives for Exuberance in the South Sea and Mississippi Bubbles', in: William N. Goetzmann, Catherine Labio, K. Geert Rouwenhorst, and Timothy Young (eds.), The Great Mirror of Folly: Finance, Culture, and the Crash of 1720, New Haven: Yale University Press, forthcoming.
"Hoare’s Bank in the Eighteenth Century" [with Peter Temin], in: Festschrift for Jan DeVries, Leyden: Brill, 2010.
"Trading Silver for Gold: 19th Century Asian Exports and the Political Economy of Currency Union" [with Kris Mitchener], in: Robert Barro, Jong-Wha Lee (eds.), Costs and Benefits of Regional Economic Integration, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
'Free Flows, Limited Diversification: Openness and the Fall and Rise of Stock Market Correlations, 1890-2001' [with Denis Quinn], in: NBER-ISOM Macro Annual 2010 [lead article]
"Malthusian Dynamism and the Rise of Europe: Make War, not Love" [with Nico Voigtländer], American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings 2009. 99(2): 248-54.
'Understanding Growth in Early Modern Europe’ [with Joel Mokyr], in: Broadberry, Stephen and Kevin O’ Rourke (ed.). The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- "A Century of Global Equity Market Correlations" [with Dennis
Quinn], American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings
2008. 98(2): 535–40.
"Hoare’s Bank in the Eighteenth Century" [with Peter Temin], in: Festschrift for Jan DeVries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
"Institutions and the Resource Curse in Early Modern Spain" [with Mauricio Drelichman], in: Helpman, Elhanan (ed). Institutions and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008.
"Debt Sustainability in Historical Perspective" [with Mauricio Drelichman], Journal of the European Economic Association 2008, 6(2-3): 657-67.
"South Sea Bubble", in: Steve Durlauf, Lawrence E. Blume (eds.), The New Palgrave, 2007.
"Comment on Oxley's 'Seat of Death and Terror' ", Economic History Review, 2006.
'Capital Controls in Postwar Europe', CREI Opuscle No. 14 [in English, Castilian, and Catalan], 2004.
'Editors’ Introduction: Symposium on Capital Controls' [with Barry Eichengreen], in: Barry Eichengreen, Hans-Joachim Voth (eds.), Controlling Global Capital. Special issue of the International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2003.
'Convertibility, Currency Controls and the Cost of Capital in Western Europe', in: Barry Eichengreen, Hans-Joachim Voth (eds.), Controlling Global Capital. Special issue of the International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2003.
"Living Standards and the Urban Environment", in: P. Johnson, R. Floud (eds.), The Cambridge Economic History of Britain, Cambridge 2003.
"Labor Time", in: J. Mokyr (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2003.
Height and the High Life: What Future for a Tall Story? [with T. Leunig], in: Paul A. David, Mark Thomas (eds.), Economic Challenges. Festschrift for Charles H. Feinstein, OUP 2002.
'Economic History and the Messiness of Life', in: P. Hudson (ed.), What Economic History Means to Me, London (2001).
'German Banking and the Impact of the First World War', in: C. Wrigley (ed.), The Impact of the First World War, London (2000).
'The Zollverein and the Bid for Economic Supremacy', in: P. Dwyer (ed.), Modern Prussian History, 1830-1947, London: Longman (2001).
'Work and the Sirens of Consumption in 18C London', in: M. Bianchi (ed.), The Active Consumer. Novelty and Surprise in Consumer Choice, London: Routledge (1998).
'Did Neutrality Pay? Danish Shipping in the Mediterranean, 1749-1790' [with D. Andersen], in: A. Monrad-Møller (ed.), Folk og Erhverv. Festschrift for Hans-Christian Johansen, Odense.
'Smallpox Did Reduce Height: Reply to Our Critics' [with T. Leunig], Economic History Review 51 (1998), pp. 372-81.